Dr. Konstantinos Seretis, MD, MSc, EBOPRAS
Assistant Professor
Aesthetic and Reconstructive
Plastic Surgery
Aesthetic Surgery / Face
"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart."
Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1880

Browlift or forehead lift addresses the aging problems of the upper third of the face. Age, genetics and lifestyle (smoking, sun exposure, etc) develop the characteristic signs of aging, such as glabella lines (“frown lines”), forehead rhytids, brow ptosis and subsequent accumulation of skin in the upper eyelids. Early on, Botox and fillers can stave off a surgery, but if you wish to really correct all aspects of aging upper face the Browlift offers an excellent treatment option.
Currently, endoscopic browlift represents the state of the art, as it avoids the long unpleasing scars with several postoperative problems, for minimal short unnoticed incisions into the hairs. An endoscope is then inserted to address all signs of aging. Consequently, less downtime, less risk for postoperative problems and better long term aesthetically pleasing results are ensured.
An important notice is necessary for most patients with concerns of their eyebrow area seeking for eyelid surgery. Upper blepharoplasty, although it removes the extra skin and potential fat excess providing a satisfactory postoperative result, is not usually the best treatment option for the eyebrow. As forehead/eyebrow skin continues to descend to the upper lid, the patient not long after having upper eyelid surgery realizes that this treatment was not good enough for a long term result. In fact, this extra skin removed by eyelid surgery is skin from the brow, which descended to the upper eyelid due to the aging process, so its removal does not address the cause (brow ptosis) but the symptom (skin excess). By repositioning the eyebrow to its previous place by endoscopic brow lift, the skin also returns to the forehead ensuring a long term youthful appearance.
Sometimes, minimal extra skin from upper eyelid is removed with a blepharoplasty together or after a browlift to enhance the aesthetic outcome.

Blepharoplasty removes excess eyelid skin, muscle and fat, as necessary. This operation corrects drooping upper eyelid skin and puffy bags below the eyes to make you look more rested. If there is excessive upper lid skin and weak muscles this operation can also help to improve your vision. The position of the lower lid, as well as the medial midface drop can be also corrected with lower blepharoplasty.
Most people look younger and more rested following these procedures. However, if you have concerns of your brow area, but you are interested for an upper eyelid surgery please read also about the Browlift.
As people age, gravity, sun exposure, and stresses of every day life are seen in the face. Typically this is seen in the laugh lines, with less jawline definition and jowls. Extreme cases lose the appearance of the chin.
Early on, fillers can stave off a facelift, but if you wish to really correct the loose, saggy skin, a facelift offers an excellent solution to turn back the clock. You will be surprised how quickly you can return to normal activity.
A facelift focuses on the skin of the neck, the jowls and often the cheek volume (mid-face) through a preauricular incision, that stops at the bottom of the earlobe or continues behind the ear. The operation takes 2-4 hours to perform.
The lift generally lasts for 10 years, depending on the elasticity of your skin, age and lifestyle.
Some people want just a neck lift, NOT a face lift. For the neck, Dr. Seretis performs either liposuction, suture-suspension or slings.

The nose has a central position in the face. Even minor malformations can affect the symmetry and harmony of the whole face.
Rhinoplasty improves the shape and form of the nose, resulting in an harmonic integration with the rest of the face. Functional problems, due to septum deviation, can be also treated during the same operation.
Rhinoplasty requires a detailed analysis of the anatomy of the nose and thorough understanding of the patient wishes, so that an adequate operative plan and surgical technique to provide a successful result. Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex operations of plastic surgery, because it is performed through a small incision inside the nose.
A special splint is placed on the nose at the end of the operation, which remains for a week. The postoperative pain is usually mild but the swelling around the nose is intense the first 2-3 days and gradually subsides over 1-2 weeks. The effect of rhinoplasty is evident after splint removal, but the final shape occurs gradually over a period of 6-12 months. Rhinoplasty can be combined with a surgical correction of the chin position in order to enhance the symmetry of the face.
Symmetry and facial analogy are the uttermost goals of every facial procedure. There is a direct relationship between chin and nose and one can cause the other to look disproportionate.
Chin implants are used to create a more aesthetic balance to the facial features. A chin implant also helps to define the jaw line to create a more clear distinction between the chin and the neck.
Often a chin implant may be performed in conjunction with other facial procedures such as rhinoplasty or liposuction of the neck. Chin implants can increase facial harmony and boost self-confidence in people with a weak chin.

Otoplasty and split ear lobes repair
Otoplasty or ear surgery is usually performed to correct prominent ears and set them back closer to the head. Surgery can be done as early as age 6, but can just as easily be performed on adolescents and adults under local anesthesia.
The results are permanent with no external or apparent scars, because the operation is done with a short incision behind the ear.
Parents should be alert to a child’s feeling about prominent ears, as teasing can be cruel.
Split earlobe is the most common complication of the ear seen by a plastic surgeon. Typically, split earlobe results from different forms of trauma related to pierced ears or wearing earrings. It usually requires surgical correction because of the aesthetic impact it would have if left untreated. Plastic Surgeons are requested to correct the deformity and enable the patient to wear earrings as soon as possible.
Although a simple straight closure can be used, it does not offer a longterm reliable solution. Therefore, Dr Seretis offers only the most sophisticated surgical options, under local anesthesia, which provide definite and longterm aesthetic results.