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Dr. Konstantinos Seretis, MD, MSc, EBOPRAS

Assistant Professor

Aesthetic and Reconstructive

Plastic Surgery​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Aesthetic Surgery / Breast










Inverse nipple correction

breast surgery implants lift reduction mastopexy

"I would never be an artist if women do not have breasts."


Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1841-1919

Breast Augmentation


  Breast augmentation, also known as “augmentation mammaplasty”, is a popular aesthetic surgery procedure, because it can increase the size, enhance the shape, and provide a better symmetry of the breasts. This operation is popular among women who are underdeveloped, or have lost volume due to pregnancy/ breastfeeding, aging, or weight loss. Breast implants may also be used for reconstructive purposes, after appropriate breast treatment (see Breast Reconstruction).


 To improve upon a patient’s breast features, silicone-gel filled breast implants are inserted into the breast, just under the chest muscle with the technique of "Dual Plane". The incision sites are variable and include either the crease at the bottom of the breast (inframammary), the areola or the underarm. The inframammary incision is advised due to its specific advantages and the perfect combination with the use of the Academikliniken technique of breast augmentation. Scars fade over time, and become hardly noticeable.


 The goal of breast augmentation is to produce breasts that look natural for each patient. By doing so, you can often experience an improved appearance, better-fitting clothing, and a potential boost in self-esteem.

  For “full” and shapely breasts, consider breast augmentation with Dr. Seretis.

Breast Reduction


  Breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty) improves the size and shape of the breast. Large, pendulous breasts may cause a woman to potentially experience various medical problems caused by the excessive weight of the breast tissue. Problems with posture, skeletal deformities, back and neck pain and skin irritations are common with this condition. Bra straps often leave indentations in the shoulder area. Many women, especially teenage girls, are very self-conscious if they have unusually large breasts. Breast reduction removes fat, glandular tissue, and excessive skin, resulting in smaller, lighter and firmer breasts that are better-shaped in proportion to the rest of the body. 


 A variety of available techniques allows the use of the most appropriate, according to the breast characteristics and the patient's goals. Frequently the scar has the shape of inverted T, from the nipple down to the inframammary fold. Otherwise, the scar is limited to a short vertical scar on the lower part of the breast (Lejour technique, modified by Hall-Findley or "vertical scar"). A fine permanent scar is always the case independent of the technique, which fades over time and becomes hardly noticeable. 


 Breast reduction can be performed at any age, after completion of breast growth. The postoperative period is not very painful and managed well with analgesics. A sporting-bra is advised in the postoperative period and the patient returns to normal activities after 1-2 weeks.

breast augmentation reduction nipple correction gynecomastia

Breast Lift – Mastopexy



 Over time, the effects of gravity along with the loss of the skin’s natural elasticity begins to have an effect on the appearance of a woman’s breasts. These factors, combined with pregnancies and nursing will often cause the breasts to lose their youthful shape and firmness. A breastlift or mastopexy, is the surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts.​


 Sometimes the effects of gravity, pregnancy or breast feeding cannot be reversed just by a breast lift. In this case, the breast volume loss can be only reversed with the combination of lift and breast implant in order to achieve the look you desire.


 Breast lift can be performed at any age. The postoperative period is not very painful and managed well with analgesics. A sporting-bra is advised in the postoperative period and the patient returns to normal activities after 1-2 weeks.


 As one of the more complicated breast surgery combinations, let Dr. Seretis’s expertise guide you though the decision.

Breast Asymmetry


 Breast asymmetry is the rule not the exemption. However, only small, subtle differences in breast size, shape, position or the nipples exist, which cause no real problems. In case of a visible breast asymmetry we have multiple surgical options to offer. An augmentation, a reduction or a combination can be performed to provide a satisfactory aesthetic outcome.

gynecomastia Zurich



  Gynecomastia is the benign overgrowth of the male breast, in some cases resembling a female breast. Gynecomastia may be due to the development of the mammary gland, the increased accumulation of adipose tissue or a combination of both. It can be detected in one or both breasts, concerning a significant part of the males.


 A range of factors can cause or contribute to gynecomastia such as obesity, medications and hormones (specific antihypertensives, anabolic steroids, estrogens etc), alcohol, marijuana, breast or testicular cancer, endocrinological or liver diseases, etc. However, in most cases the cause of gynecomastia is unknown. 


 The treament of gynecomastia is surgical. Various techniques are used in order to reduce the volume of the breast such as liposuction, surgical resection of the gland or a combination of both, depending on the case. An excision of the excess skin around the breast is also performed rarely. The best results are expected in patients with good skin quality and elasticityThe scars are very small, not usually visible.


 The operation is generally performed under general anesthesia. The postoperative course is not very painful and the patients respond well to analgesics. A special compression garment (vest) is used for 4-6 weeks, while the patient returns to daily activities about a week after surgery.


  A better shaped breast, which enhances men's confidence and self esteem, is the desired final outcome.

Inverted Nipples


 Most women with inverted nipples are not aware that this congenital anomaly can be corrected under local anesthesia. These women have ducts intact, which are just very tight. Breast feeding is not always possible and often difficult.

 Women love nipple correction but breast feeding may be an issue.

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Zurich,           Switzerland

Thessaloniki,  Greece

Tel: 0041-76-3235437

Tel: 0030-6945-436621

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